We had three paddler out for a windy day on Cagles Mill. The lake level was at 650.95 which is about 11 feet above summer pool. With rain the night before the lake was rising and Mill creek (Cataract Falls) was run at 2300 CFS. We had temps in the low 60's F and party cloudy but windy with a southwest wind at about 16 mph with gust up to around 22 mph.

The two other paddler were new HCKC members but had been out paddling over 40 times so far this year and had also started doing some kayak racing. So we took a faster pace crossing the lake and heading up to the lower Cataract Falls. With lake level we could not take the normal shortcuts and stayed in the main creek channel mostly.
The lower falls was about only about a 3 ft drop looked more like a low head dam or a rapid rather then the normal water fall. The water below the falls had large amount of foam floating and blowing around.

We were able to find a muddy but some what dry spot to have lunch at by the lower falls. After lunch we paddle back toward Liber park boat ramp. On the way back we decided to check out the dam. After checking out the dam we headed back to the launching ramp area. We paddle a total distance of about 15 miles and paddle an average moving speed of 3.7 mph.
Cagle Mill Trip Pictures
Jeff Stejskal