We had five paddlers come out for the spring overnight trip on Lake Monroe. Two of the paddlers were just day paddling Saturday. The other three paddlers were camping and also paddling on Sunday.
The weather was cold temperatures in the upper 30’s F and the wind about 12 mph from the northwest on Saturday. We had some small waves from 1 foot to ½ foot. Lake level was about 8 feet over normal pool.
We launched from Cutright paddling around the two heron's marina. The group headed towards Patton’s cave staying close to the shoreline. With the high-water level, we were able to paddle quite away back into the creek.

We then headed towards the Peninsula in Deam Wilderness to have lunch and setup our tents. After lunch the day paddler paddled back to Curtright. The rest of group went for an afternoon paddle in the middle fork section. The wind died after dinner and we had a nice camp fire with a half moon rising.

Sunday Morning was a little frosty but it warmed up quicky with southern breeze. We packed up the campsite in the morning. Then paddled back to Cutright dropping off one paddler. The two remaining paddlers paddled under the bridge and paddled by Paynetown marina while check out some of the migratory birds. We then headed back to Curtright. A great way to start the sea kayaking season.
Jeff Stejskal

Lake Monroe Trip Photos