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  • April 17, 2017 8:39 PM | Deleted user

    I hope you all got to enjoy a spring paddle or two so far this year. With its warm temperatures warming up the water more every day, May brings us the unoffi-cial start of summer and even more paddling trips! 

    As we get deeper into the paddling season, remember to share your experiences with the club. The news-letter is only as interesting as you are, so be sure to submit trip announcements, trip reports, photos, even articles that offer tips or your favorite campfire recipe. Submissions can be made to Dwayne James at  - Thank you, Dwayne, for keeping us informed every month!  

    Remember, although no trip announcements appear in the newsletter, we have various trips scheduled which can be found on our calendar. For example: Big Walnut Creek on April 29, the Muscatatuck Rendezvous May 6/7, and a trip sponsored by Muskrat on Wildcat Creek on 5/27.

    Even more exciting than reading our newsletter is reading about the prospect of a year-round paddling destination in our newsletter! The city of Columbus in Indiana is researching that very idea for their riverfront, with a white-water park on the table of ideas. Be sure to check out the article in this month’s newsletter for more details and how you can make this dream a reality!

    Hope to see you all on the water!


  • March 24, 2017 11:28 AM | Deleted user

    April starts our main paddling season off with a bang with the FORTIETH annual paddle on the Big Pine. That’s right, Garry Hill has been kind enough to wrangle paddlers and their gear and boats onto this small stream in Attica, IN for forty years.  Garry has it down to a science and it’s much smoother than herding cats, as a lot of river trips can easily compare to. Thanks for including the Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club in your adventures, Garry!

    We have a lot more trips and training sessions scheduled for this year, and adding to the trip calendar is one of the newer sections: paddle fishing. This section will be dedicated to paddling leisurely while fishing, which can be difficult to do on a normal paddling trip. Please see John’s write up in this newsletter (April 2017) and contact him if you’re interested. 

    As more trips and warm weather come our way, remember that the water takes a lot longer to warm up. Always be dressed for the swim and have a change of clothes with you and one waiting for you in the car. I hope you can get out and beat the summer crowds and enjoy some spring paddling and I hope to see you all on the water at some point this year! 


  • February 23, 2017 1:40 AM | Deleted user

    All went well and our paddlers are safely home from the rapids of the White Nile in Uganda. Checkout some of their pictures on the unofficial HCKC Facebook page

    Be sure to check out the list of trips in our various trip schedules for 2017 on our Event page.  A preliminary trip summary is included on Pages 7 and 8 of the February 22 newsletter.  

    And remember, you can join in on some trips even if you are not a member. Contact the trip leader for details and come have some fun with us. We let you try us out before you buy. 

    By now you should be seeing this on the new Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club website.  Please provide feedback on what you like or on needed improvements. Hope to see you all on the water at some point in 2017!

    (Excerpted from the February 22 Newsletter)

  • February 11, 2017 9:57 PM | Deleted user

    February is probably the most calm month for paddling for the Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club, but you can be sure to whet your appetite for the paddling and camping season in at least a couple of ways!

    · The Boat, Sport, and Travel Show is always a great event to go and check out the latest gear and we have a booth.  Be sure to stop by and say hello! 

    · Also, the National Paddling Film Festival is going to take place in Kentucky—be sure to check out the details on Page 3 in this newsletter. 

    We had a successful trip planning meeting, so be sure to keep an eye out on the club’s calendar and full schedule coming soon.  2017 promises to be a banner year for trips and training!

    Also, I hope you all have had an opportunity to explore our new website at  Special thanks goes out to our new website committee and Jon Reneberg for putting it all together.  I hope you all enjoy the new website and I wish nothing but a prosperous paddling year full of excitement and trips all year round.

    Hope to see you all on the water at some point. 


  • January 11, 2017 11:31 AM | Deleted user

    Happy New Year! 

    If all has gone well, by the time this has been posted and published there is a group of four of us representing the Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club on the rapids of the White Nile in Uganda and there was a local paddle here in Indy on New Year’s Day.  That’s a pretty good range in trips, don’t you think? 

    This is your club and we need you to help keep our calendar booked with exciting trips year-round. Be sure to check out the details of the trip planning meeting in our January newsletter and help keep 2017 packed with adventure, paddling, camping, memories, and comradery. January will also usher in a new Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club website; promising to be more user friendly and modern compared to the existing one. There will be a transitioning period between both sites, please see Jon’s blurb in the newsletter. Hope to see you all on the water at some point in 2017! And stay tuned for some pretty awesome trip reports from Uganda. 

    Be sure to be thinking about where you want to go in 2017 since our trip planning meeting is coming up on January 21.   Click here for details.

    See you on the water, 

  • October 18, 2016 12:37 PM | Jon Reneberg (Administrator)

    October is one my favorite months to paddle. There is no better way to enjoy the brilliance of autumn’s leaves on display than on a river followed by good company around a warm fire. It is by no accident that some of the club’s best trips also come in October. This year happens to be a Pirate Paddle year! Occurring only every other year, the pirate paddle en- compasses the true spirit of all paddlers. Dress as pirates, paddle down a great river, be welcomed by a pirate band, then get refreshed with food and drink before the second band gets onstage and dance the rest of the night away! All this for $25! AND...we are doing an intro fundraiser for First Descents, an organization that helps cancer patients and survivors connect to the outdoors through climbing, kayaking, and other great activities. We’re hop- ing this is just a scratch on the surface and we can do more for this amazing group next year!

    Another paddling classic returns this year as well... enjoy the covered bridge festival via canoe or kayak while paddling Raccoon Creek. This is a gorgeous paddle, usually accom- panied by a cool, crisp wind while paddling under historic covered bridges. The lunch break usually includes portaging boats around a low head dam and through part of the festi- val, where you can get some great snacks and maybe even a little shopping in.

    Other important dates coming up that are later than October, but good to keep in mind: No- vember 12 is our annual member meeting. Get a summary of what we’ve been up to, enjoy some food, guest speaker, and vote on some important stuff that will get our club up to the next level. See this month’s newsletter for more info.

    Also in our newsletter this month is a reminder for the Uganda trip in December. Kayak the Nile posted an update that the dam construction is moving ahead, and this will most likely be the last year to kayak the Nile River’s rapids and enjoy the lush surrounding jungle as it is today. Remember, we have a world class club organizing and going on world class trips almost every weekend, year-round.

    Hope to see you all on the water at some point!


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